Components of the center

Components of the center

The main building was built on an area of 2100 square meters consisting of 7 floors and its components are described later. Another small administrative building consisting of a ground floor and four floors on an area of 200 square meters

Components of the main building

Ground floor

1. Outpatient clinic

2. blood bank

3. Central gas station

4. Central boilers

5. Emergency Generators

6. Central sterilization plant

7. Kitchen equipped with the latest international standards

8. Centralized laundry

 First Floor

1. Department of endoscopy (upper – lower endoscopy)


3. Radiology Department

4. Motility unite

5. Laser Section

6. Laboratory

7. Treasury place

8. Registration place

9. Reception place

Second Floor

1. Operations room

2. Recovery Room

3. Intensive care unit

4. Liver transplantation intensive care unit

5. Sterilization place

6. Department of Economic Wing

Third floor

1. Maintenance workshops

2. Engineering Management

3. Pathology Laboratory

4. Electronic Medical Archives

Fourth Floor

1. lecture hall

2. Scientific meetings hall

3. Scientific Library

4. Offices of staff members

5. Residency doctors places

6. senior visitors places

7. workers places

Fifth floor

Patient’s rooms and halls

Sixth floor

1. Patients rooms and halls

2. Doctors offices

3. computer section

Seventh floor

1. Patient rooms and halls for liver transplant patients

2. Medical archive for liver transplant patients


Administrative building:

1. Car Garage

2. Administrative departments

3. Pharmacies


Medical centers and hospitals



Gastrointestinal Surgery Center - Cihan Street - Mansoura - Egypt

  2202853 (50) 20+ / 202728 (50) 20+